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De-Stress Coaching & Training Program


If you are looking for a MASSIVE transformation in your life, this program will help shift your mind and de-construct your self-limiting beliefs. It will help you cut through your own “stories” so you can create purpose and meaning in your life. This coaching program will help you:

  • Live without the overwhelming presence of stress in your life

  • Break free from old mental, emotional and behavioural patterns

  • Permanently dissolve core challenges

  • Heal relationships, including your relationship with yourself

You will also learn to raise your level of consciousness and get effective tools to manage your own speaking and listening skills so you can stay out of your “already listening” based on your past conditioning and experiences. Once you understand where your challenges are stemming from, why you do what you do, how to shift your subconscious mind and get the motivation to  stay committed to your goals,  your results will skyrocket!

sunset by the dock

Week 1

In this introductory lesson, learn what is needed to live with less stress and more emotional freedom. Discover the need for commitment and discipline, listen to the prerequisites for making changes, and understand that changing your life begins with yourself, not outside circumstances or other people.

Week 2

Dealing with Stress
If you’re like most people, stress is likely a common complaint. In this lesson in personal development, you will gain a deeper understanding of stress. Learn what it is, how it manifests itself in the body and drives motives, and how it differs from fear. Discover why people handle stress differently and see how to differentiate helpful forms of stress from paralyzing types. This lesson will help you acknowledge your current stress, learn to deal with it in a healthier manner, and provide you with positive coping strategies.

Week 3

Happiness from Within
If it feels like your happiness depends on something happening or not happening, it will always be a fleeting illusion. In this lesson, learn to recognize the elusiveness of this search for happiness and put an end to this destructive cycle of stress and suffering.

Week 4

Living Responsibly
Living responsibly is a simple concept, but a challenging process. In this lesson, you will learn what it means to take responsibility for your stress and mental wellness and how to stop blaming outside circumstances and other people for the way you feel. You will discover how to view suffering as an option, rather than dragging it along with you for the rest of your life

Week 5

Authenticity and Emotional Growth
In this personal development lesson, you will learn some of the reasons for conformity and inauthenticity, as well as how traumatic experiences from early childhood can continue to stunt emotional growth if ignored.
Plus, learn how this trauma shows up in romantic relationships, reflect on who is to blame for relationship problems and discover the motives of people pleasers. Inauthenticity carries a huge cost to your mental and emotional well-being. In this lesson, you will learn how to re-discover yourself and connect with others on a deep, authentic level so you can enjoy the loving relationships you need and deserve.

Week 6

Healing Relationships
Do you have relationships in your life that need to be healed? Whether you struggle with your parents, children, romantic partner, siblings, or an old friend, it is possible to heal. In this lesson, you will learn the importance of managing your mindset, practicing forgiveness, and being honest with yourself to achieve the life you’ve always wanted.

Week 7

Healthy Communication
People often complain that there is not enough communication, but the truth is, there is plenty. The real problem is that it is bad communication. Learning to communicate from a sincere, honest place – not from our old hurts – is not an easy task. In this lesson, learn how to say what you need to say without creating drama and start exponentially increasing the odds of having your needs met.


"This coaching program really made me look at myself and the part I play in my daily life at work and home and how I handle and take on stress, whether it be my own or someone else’s. The daily practices have provoked a lot of reflective thinking on past experiences, where I am at presently and moving forward towards more healthier routines and relationships. The coaching has helped me re-direct my energy to use it wisely and productively.  I am grateful for the opportunity given to me to take this course and the continuous learning cycle it has created for me."
 – Donna W

"This coaching experience is helping me to better understand that I am responsible to creating my journey and happiness. For too many years, I people-pleased and as I did not want to cause any issues; however, this behaviour led to a severe loss of self. With the “Daily Practice Exercises”, group webinars and questions asked, I was required to take a real “unfiltered and uncensored” look at myself. This is really difficult to do, honestly. I learned it is okay to have conflict. I can be kind but not at the expense of compromising my ideals or morals. I truly feel like I am discovering my authentic self."  – Carlene F


"I feel better about my life. I am happier. I feel lighter now that I have let go of many of my past negative thoughts that were weighing me down. The main reason I joined the program was to ask for help to work with toxic colleagues. The program has helped me to better understand how to work with these colleagues and has spilled over into improving all other areas/relationships in my life. I hope that the positive spin I reflect from this program will inspire others to look at themselves and see that they can make the workplace a happier and more productive space". – Laurie-Ann U

  • Rewire and recondition your mind

  • Get your subconscious mind working for you?

  • Get rid of emotional baggage once and for all?

  • Bring out the absolute best version of yourself?

If your answer to any of these questions is YES, then get real results with this start-to-finish system that includes powerful coaching and an  intensive personal development training program, combined with huge amounts of support so you get everything you need to permanently clear out the emotional baggage that is weighing you down. You will be challenged to reflect on your own unproductive thoughts, perceptions and behaviours. You will be guided to examine how you are showing up (or not showing up) in all areas of your life based on your past experiences and you will be given specific tools and exercises to overcome any current challenges you may be facing . This coaching program includes: 

  • One-on-one coaching calls

  • Teaching videos

  • Course readings

  • Worksheets

  • Daily practice exercises

  • A Personal mastery project


Within 24 hours of registering for this transformation coaching program, you will receive your first email with instructions on how to participate. This is a fully online program that can be done from the privacy of your own home. Everything you receive as part of this program is yours to keep and you can refer back to it anytime you need to.


If you’re ready for an intensive program that delivers real results, call us now and let’s book a time to talk. Simply call or text Matt at 1-519-809-8578 to book your free coaching call.

During your free coaching call, we will very quickly zone in on your core challenges and provide you with insight on how to resolve them once and for all. You will be asked some tough questions and get to your truth immediately. This phone call is absolutely free.


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